
What if?.....That was the Question

What if? That was the Question? 2020.....No one saw this coming!! A pandemic ...A year we shall all remember for many different reasons. The year that shocked the World and somehow totally changed every country from the 'daily norm' into something completely different. The whole World went into 'Lockdown' and putting aside the awful impact of frightening death toll figures and the nations' health crisis......we have gained some incredibly positive benefits from this year of uncertainty.  From the very beginning we panicked as the 'unknown' continued to spread and we were faced with many dilemmas, unpleasant emotions and unanswered questions. 'What if we run out of fresh foods at the Supermarkets'? .... 'What if the gym doesn't open for months'? ...... 'What if I can't see my family'? We had to learn very quickly, in this world of high stress, multi-tasking, money making, transport dependent society.......that things were