Take a Moment and Simply see the Gift of Life


Take a Moment - The Gift of Life is in Every Breath

If we stop, just for one moment and really look - we can see the delightful pleasures that life brings to us. They are always encompassing us every day if we allow ourselves to notice......It is in these moments of deep awareness that we find true happiness.

Take a few minutes to stop during your busy day. Inhale and exhale for a few deep breaths and just slow down. Open all your senses, look, listen and just observe. Hone into these sensations and pick up on the things you would otherwise miss. The sounds of nature, of laughter and joy, or simply the feeling of a cool breeze on your skin or the warmth of the sun's rays. These are the joys a few minutes of deep breathing can bring to your day.

At the end of your day, take a moment to write down the little things that you noticed and observed when you allowed yourself this short time to 'just breathe'. Do this each day, writing down the positive thoughts and emotions you felt during this deep breathing practice. As you reflect on this at the end of your week, you will notice how many precious little moments there are in life, if you allow yourself to 'just breathe'.

"One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world." 

Watch the Most Beautiful Sunset and Red Sky in The World Ever - Isles of Scilly

What did you notice when you woke up this morning? What did you feel? What was your first thought? I notice as I begin to awaken ( not being a morning person ) that my thoughts are quite negative first thing! I really have to draw my attention towards positive thoughts and focus on my breathing. It must be a bad habit formed from early morning rises with unearthly working hours. Habitual thoughts such as these can start a day in a very negative way and a habit that needs to change. But my awareness for the need to change is a 'positive' in itself. Creating morning positivity is a habit we can all develop to build a happier life.

I made some changes in my bedroom to bring me good energy in the morning. I have a 'Visual' board on the wall that I can see as soon as I wake up. There are positive affirmations, Yoga photos and motivational quotes. I have a soft light lamp that lights up with a touch ( which means I am not trying to find the lamp switch when I am half awake ) - if anything sets me off in a bad mood, it is knocking things over trying to switch the lamp on. I also have a Buddha and a white feather Dream Catcher above my bed. A Buddha statue emanates positive and relaxing energy and a Dream Catcher helps me to sleep better and to focus on the more optimistic things in life.

"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have."


Life is a gift

My life is a gift, my family and friends are a gift, even a stranger can be a gift. The very act of breathing is a gift. I know this!! It is when you lose these things you realise how special those gifts are.

Gratitude for all the things you have will help you to appreciate the gift of life. If you change your mindset to gratitude and start the day with a positive outlook it will help you to make the most of life. If you notice negative feelings, be curious and observe. What do you see? Perhaps there are triggers to this negativity or maybe you can realign and assess the situation or moments that set these disruptive emotions in action.

  • Practice daily gratitude: Start a gratitude journal. You can download the Presently App which prompts a daily reminder to jot down all that you are grateful for today
  • Meditation for a healthy mind: Meditation helps to calm the mind and bring peace and quiet. Meditation practice can take as little as 5 minutes to bring harmony and balance to your day. Try this guided breathing meditation and practice daily to feel the positive benefits this self-care can bring. Meditation invites mindfulness, gratitude and positivity into your daily life
  • Go outside: Not only is walking a good cardio exercise but also a great way to clear your mind of the day's events or even a good start to a busy day. Exploring your neighbourhood, walking by the sea or walking in nature enhance your awareness and overall sense of well-being
  • Create meaning and purpose in your life: Take time to do the things you enjoy. A hobby, gardening, time with your friends and family, booking short breaks or a holiday. Anything that brings a purpose or meaning to your life so that your days are not dragging from one to another. The Japanese believe in bringing meaning and joy to every single day regardless of what you are doing. Their secret to gratitude is Ikigai. The people of Japan believe that everyone has an Ikigai - a reason to jump out of bed each morning. This book is a really good read.

  • Enjoy your own company and make some 'me' time. Create some space for you. This is self-care, so take time to enjoy your own company and bring the best out of yourself. I have a small space in my home where I have all the things I enjoy in the 'moment'. My yoga mat and meditation cushion to continue my own practice, plants, soft lights and lamps, things that remind me of the sea, Buddha's, dream-catchers, wind chimes, affirmations and some precious gifts and memories. Allow yourself some time for a home retreat for some self-care.

The Gift of Life

Life is a gift. It may not seem this way when times are hard or when bad things happen to us. Life was never meant to be easy and it comes with its challenges. What we have to do is embrace the moments that bring us joy and live every minute of these moments no matter how small they may be. Make a note of the pleasure these moments have brought us. This will bring gratitude back into your daily life.

To really appreciate the gift of life, increase your awareness of all the things that you do have, rather than all of the things you want and do not have at the moment. This includes family, friends, the environment where you live and work and natures glory. Life's gifts are not just about the material things.

"Life is a beautiful ride. Enjoy it while it lasts."


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