
Showing posts with the label Nutrition

How to Train Yourself to Balance your Diet, Lose Weight and Stay Healthy for Life

  Improve your Eating Habits - Find the Right Balance for you. Finding your balance to good eating habits is a slow process. This is about your individual eating patterns, choice of food and sustainability. We all like to read books or follow preset diets or try diets that seem to work for famous celebrities. But this will not set you up for life. After some time eating a diet that is not set for your individual needs will end in failure. This is why the diet industry is a multi-million pound business. The first step is to find the right mindset by being focused on our health.  We need   inspiration and motivation  to  help push us in the right direction .  The next step is to set a goal and then a plan of action on how to arrive at your desired result. Make sure these goals are obtainable and a little challenging to make your journey interesting but reachable. Writing down your goals and your plans will help, whether on paper or an app, they just need to be a visual daily reminder.  I

Which Diet do I follow? Here's some options to help you select the right one for you

Which Diet is the Best? One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "What is the best diet to follow?" It's a difficult one and not one I can answer. Not because I am being unhelpful or I don't know anything about diets or nutrition, but there is no 'one shoe fits all' in the diet game. There are literally 100's of diets out there - not all are good, but then not all are bad either? The question is not "What is the best diet?" The question should be "What is the best diet for me?" Before you choose any diet you must first make sure it is sustainable and fits in with your own lifestyle, your budget and the time you have available.  There are some amazing and super healthy diets you can follow. You can cook all your food from scratch with tasty and unique ingredients, pure cold pressed oils, delicacies, spices, herbs and all arranged intricately and stylishly on beautiful dining plates. This sounds like the real deal......but w

Overeating. How Can we Control this Habitual Destruction

  Overeating! Why Can't We Stop this Destruction? Overeating - Why do we do this? We all do it? Eat until we can eat no more. Is this a bad habit or is there more to it than we realise? There can be many reasons that we over-eat.  Food can be a comfort for emotional issues such as a negative body image, stress, anger and boredom so we turn to food for consolation. Overeating can be habitual too.  We tend to live a sedentary lifestyle in our modern day life, working all day (perhaps in an office) and then our evenings are spent in front of the TV snacking . We blame food for being the addiction ......but maybe it's the 'eating' that has become the addiction? Overeating - Thoughts on Food Food .......where does your mind wonder when this word is mentioned? Food has become a profitable  consumer product. There are adverts everywhere you look..... tantalising T.V commercials, teasing magazine articles, tempting pop-up online adverts cannot avoid the sights, sou

Fibre and Weight Loss

Fibre and Weight Loss - What is Fibre? Roughage or fibre is part of plant based food that cannot be broken down. Examples of fibrous foods are nuts, fruit, vegetable, beans and grains. Fibre passes through the body undigested which keeps your digestive system healthy and eases bowel movements. Fibre also flushes cholesterol and harmful carcinogens (a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue) out of our body.  Fibre rich foods within a balanced and healthy diet can improve weight maintenance and improve good gut health. Fibre provides a good food source for "friendly" gut bacteria helping to improve our overall general health. A healthy gut is very important to maintain or improve our health. Anything that can feed our good gut bacteria will keep us free from illness. When our gut is happy then we are happy too. In 2015 the Government guidelines for the consumption of fibre equates to 30g per day per adult. On average we consume approximately 18g per day which is

Weight Loss and Maintenance Management

Weight Loss and Maintenance Management The goal of weight management is to prevent the accumulation of excess fat or to reduce the level to avoid health issues and developing certain diseases.  There are other reasons that we as humans, would like to loose excess body fat. It may be to drop a dress size, fit into a certain outfit or for an up coming event such as a holiday. To achieve our goals we embark on certain food fads or calorie restricting diets looking for answers.  But lets try to break this cycle and look at the simple maths of maintaining or loosing weight and what is required for a lifetime of weight management. Weight Loss and Maintenance Management - The Simple Maths of Weight Loss Lets start with the basic facts of weight loss. Your body will loose excess fat if you consume less energy (food) than your body uses.  So if you eat 500 calories less per day than you need, that's 3,500 calories a week. This is equal to the calorific value of one pound of body fa

Food and Optimum Health

Food and Optimum Health - What You Really Need to Know What do we need to eat to be healthy? Which diet is the best to follow? What is classed as a balanced diet? What's a macro? Should we eat less carbs and more fat? How much protein do I need? What is a carb anyway? So many questions.....too much information..... where to start?  Poor nutritional choices, no matter how physically active you are, have a very negative impact on your overall health. Health......a word aired into just about everything we do.  Health by definition is "being of optimal bodily system function and an absence of disease" so ultimately this is all we need from the food we put into our bodies. The saying "we are what we eat" is in fact true. Nutrition effects us at a cellular level hence why bad food choices can lead to a wide range of avoidable illnesses such as obesity and type II diabetes Food and Optimum Health - Understanding Healthy Food Habits A good guideline to adop