How to Train Yourself to Balance your Diet, Lose Weight and Stay Healthy for Life


Improve your Eating Habits - Find the Right Balance for you.

Finding your balance to good eating habits is a slow process. This is about your individual eating patterns, choice of food and sustainability. We all like to read books or follow preset diets or try diets that seem to work for famous celebrities. But this will not set you up for life. After some time eating a diet that is not set for your individual needs will end in failure. This is why the diet industry is a multi-million pound business.

The first step is to find the right mindset by being focused on our health. We need inspiration and motivation to help push us in the right direction

The next step is to set a goal and then a plan of action on how to arrive at your desired result. Make sure these goals are obtainable and a little challenging to make your journey interesting but reachable. Writing down your goals and your plans will help, whether on paper or an app, they just need to be a visual daily reminder. It is important to set your goals for success 

Sometimes too many words are thrown at us when we are trying to lose weight. Goals, planning, schedule, journal, BMI, hip to waist....what does it all really mean? Does it work? In what order do you list all this stuff? You just want to lose weight right? It's all a bit overwhelming especially when you have just kick-started your 'Mojo'. Any more researching on diets, exercise and ideal weight scenarios will just leave your motivation, well ...... demotivated.

Planning means you will break down your ultimate goal into smaller steps to make it more manageable and less daunting. If your goal is too far in the distance then this may lead to 'giving up' before you have reached that final destination.  Planning will also give you insight into your own personal journey. One size does not fit all in the weight loss game. Everyone's body type, metabolism, and activity levels are different. 

Achieve your weight loss in 3 easy steps

Fibre rich foods within a balanced and healthy diet can improve weight maintenance and improve good gut health. Fibre provides a good food source for "friendly" gut bacteria helping to improve our overall general health. A healthy gut is very important to maintain or improve our health. Anything that can feed our good gut bacteria will keep us free from illness. When our gut is happy then we are happy too.

How fibre can help with your weight loss journey

For us to attain optimal health we need to provide the body with good nutrition. We should nourish our body not fuel it with unhealthy, disease promoting junk foods. The most effective way to achieve this is to minimise the consumption of today's packaged foods and sugar laden treats. 

We need to eat 'natural' unprocessed foods and cook from scratch. The food we eat should be as 'clean' as feasibly possible with the time we have available to prepare and cook our meals.

Portion control and choosing the correct foods in the appropriate amounts will not only nourish your body, but will also maintain a healthy weight.

Use a natural approach to achieve good nutritional habits

Before you choose any diet you must first make sure it is sustainable and fits in with your own lifestyle, your budget and the time you have available. 

There are some amazing and super healthy diets you can follow. You can cook all your food from scratch with tasty and unique ingredients, pure cold pressed oils, delicacies, spices, herbs and all arranged intricately and stylishly on beautiful dining plates. This sounds like the real deal......but who has the time and budget to actually do this when life gets in the way? 

There are literally 100's of diets out there - not all are good, but then not all are bad either? The question is not "What is the best diet?" The question should be "What is the best diet for me?"


I hope you enjoyed this article.

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