
Showing posts from August, 2020

Overeating. How Can we Control this Habitual Destruction

  Overeating! Why Can't We Stop this Destruction? Overeating - Why do we do this? We all do it? Eat until we can eat no more. Is this a bad habit or is there more to it than we realise? There can be many reasons that we over-eat.  Food can be a comfort for emotional issues such as a negative body image, stress, anger and boredom so we turn to food for consolation. Overeating can be habitual too.  We tend to live a sedentary lifestyle in our modern day life, working all day (perhaps in an office) and then our evenings are spent in front of the TV snacking . We blame food for being the addiction ......but maybe it's the 'eating' that has become the addiction? Overeating - Thoughts on Food Food .......where does your mind wonder when this word is mentioned? Food has become a profitable  consumer product. There are adverts everywhere you look..... tantalising T.V commercials, teasing magazine articles, tempting pop-up online adverts cannot avoid the sights, sou

Set a Challenge for Self Help

  Challenging Yourself Can Lead to Your Own Personal Growth Rediscover 'you' by challenging yourself to change.  These challenges do not have to take a lifetime. Challenges can take place for just 3 to 5 days to acquire a 'taste' , or you could set yourself a 30 day's your personal growth challenge and for you to decide. Setting challenges will help to increase your own self-esteem , create belief in yourself and build upon your knowledge for all that interests you .  Challenge your Habits A challenge can be the  motivational tool to set you up for a small change or equally a whole  lifestyle change .  In my private facebook group  Healthy Forever Fitness Motivation Private Group we are presently in the middle of a '5 Day Challenge' . An introduction to building healthy habits . The challenge is for a short period of time, but with a 'lifetime' change in mind. The challenge is the motivational tool...... the habit changes

Health, Motivation and Social Media

  Social Media Social Media is now a big influence in all our lives.....whether it's uniting with friends or posting photos of amazing places we have visited. We all have a least one social media account....even the most 'technophobic ' among us will have at least some form of 'chat' app on their phone. There are many negatives associated with social media.......but lets look at the positive side of communal connection. Support from a 'Like Minded' Group on Social Media Back in the day if you were studying hard or had a great interest in an unusual could be very lonely. Frustration and lack of information could be very de-motivating and depressing for many. With the rise of 'group' media, like-minded people have found valuable support and knowledge to help them through their most difficult times. The younger generation have a support group to turn to during exam times and those who are retired can fire up their interests and