Stretching - The Benefits and the Reasons why we Should Stretch


The Benefits of Stretching

There are so many benefits to stretching so if you can add this to your daily 'to do' list, a morning stretch will set you up for the day. An early rise '10 minute' stretch routine can add many positives to each day and the more you put into this practice, the more you will notice the improvements of your daily movement

Neglecting to stretch your body can make a big impact on your flexibility and balance. As if these components aren't challenging enough as you get older. After a full nights sleep, a good stretch will aid mobility, flexibility, and general movement. It will also help to increase your levels of concentration throughout your day.

Stretching not only activates your muscles but also improves your posture at the same time. This being another element of ageing we need to focus on and improve. Stretching also increases blood flow delivering much needed nutrients to your muscles and causing happier, healthier blood vessels and veins.

Including a 10-minute stretching routine to your mornings will add these physical benefits to your day:

  • Increased blood flow to your muscles
  • A reduction in muscle tension 
  • Reduces stress and calms the mind
  • Improves posture
  • Increases awareness and concentration levels
  • Activates all your muscles
  • Increases flexibility and mobility
  • Feel more energised

Stretch Exercises- Try this routine

Corpse Pose

Lying on your back, let your arms and legs drop open, with the arms about 45 degrees from the body. Make sure you are warm and comfortable. You may place a blanket under or over your body if needed.
Close your eyes and slowly take deep breaths through the nostrils. Allow the whole body to become soft and heavy into the mat. As your body relaxes, feel the rise and fall of the chest and belly. Take 5 breaths here.

Knee to Chest Pose

From Corpse pose, inhale and bend the right knee interlocking the fingers below the knee. The left leg remains extended and on the mat with the foot flexed. Repeat with the left leg. Take 5 breaths for each leg.

Reclined Pigeon Pose

From Knee to Chest Pose, bend both knees with soles of the feet flat on the floor. Lift your left leg to bring the left ankle to rest on your right thigh, just above the knee.
Flex your left foot and wrap your hands around your right thigh, gently pulling it closer to your chest, pressing your left knee away from the body. Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths and repeat with your right leg.

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

Lying on your back, keep the left leg extended, foot flexed, begin to bend your right knee, flex the foot and extend the heel up towards the ceiling. Wrap your hands around the right thigh and straighten the leg as much as possible. 3-5 breaths and change legs.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Lying on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to slow part and fall out to the side. You can place blocks or rolled towels under the knees for support. Bring your hands out to the sides, palms facing upwards. Slowly melt into the floor for 5-10 breaths. Using your finger tips on the outside of your thighs, slowly and gently push your knees together.

Childs Pose

Start on all fours, then spread your knees a little wider than hip width apart, big toes touching. For comfort use a rolled towel and place under the seat, or between the legs towards the back of the knees for extra support, or a folded blanket under the knees. Shift the hips back, resting the buttocks on the heels. Lengthen the spine through the crown of the head arms extended. Take 5-10 breaths here and relax the body.

This simple routine will give you a real energy boost in the morning, melting away any stress and tension. Your posture will improve and your muscles will strengthen and lengthen.

A morning stretch can also help to prepare your body for movement and to avoid injury.


I hope you enjoyed this article.

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