How Effective is Aqua Fitness? The Benefits of Water for Health, Strength and Wellbeing


The Advantage and Effectiveness of Aqua Exercise

Water fitness is a great way to stay in shape. Not only is it a good form of cardio exercise but the natural resistance of the water will help to make you stronger and tone up some of those 'wobbly' bits. Aqua classes are extremely popular and usually run with a full class. It's a fabulous way to socialise and connect with others whilst making it a perfect method to boost your mental health and wellbeing. 

Water fitness usually takes place in the shallow end of a swimming pool with music playing to make the exercises more fun. The beat of the tunes should be slow enough for your limbs to move through the water's natural resistance in time to the rhythm. 

Water fitness is gentle on the joints as you move through the workout. You can jump, lunge, run and hop without causing any stress to the bones, something that you cannot do on land. This low impact activity is ideal for those with joint or bone issues and for those who are recovering from injuries.

Another positive perk of water exercise is that 'sweat doesn't drip'. Aqua classes can be hard work depending on the instructor and the level of fitness in the pool. You could be taking part in a HIT (High Intensity Training) low impact class with lots of exercises such as 'jumping jacks', 'high knees' and 'sprints'. You will still sweat if your heart rate increases but the water will keep you cool. With this in mind, it is vitally important that you remember to bring a water bottle with you to keep hydrated.

Aqua Fit

What to Expect in an Aqua Fitness Class.

Water fitness is structured in the same way as any other fitness class. You will warm the body up, moving your limbs and slowly increasing your heart rate. This will be followed by cardio exercise and strength workouts. Depending on the instructor, this may also include core and balance work with the final part of the class consisting of some stretches and cool downs.

The strength section may just be using the natural resistance of the water or you may use some sort of water weights. There are a few good moves that can be made using a pool noodle which will add extra resistance to your workouts. You can add your own aqua power ankle and wrist weights to your routine to build more strength in your muscles.

Most Aqua classes add a selection of weight-bearing exercises and the equipment will be available on poolside. A great addition to any class are foam dumbbells a really clever piece of aqua strength equipment. The dumbbells are normally made of foam, which is very buoyant so you will need strength to submerge these underneath the water. There are plenty of 'push and pull' exercises you can do with these dumbbells, such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, flies, presses and raises. 

Water Yoga Poses for a Tight Core

Water Yoga can be incorporated into a strength section of the class which includes balance poses. This is ideal for all those students who feel their balance needs improving but are not confident enough to practice on land. If you fall out of a balance pose whilst in the water this will not cause you any harm. The water acts as a cushion, preventing any injury. Not only will this help to improve your balance but will also increase your core strength.

Water Yoga is sometimes used in the cool down stretches of a class adding some gentle poses and a state of relaxation to complete the workout.

The Benefits in Aqua Fitness Classes

Relieves joint pain - water supports the body. This puts less strain on the bones, joints and muscles. 

Low impact -  aqua fitness is low impact and reduces joint pressure. It is a soothing therapy for bone and joint issues. 

Increases flexibility and mobility - movement through the natural resistance of water will improve your mobility and flexibility. It will take strength and coordination to push and pull through the water increasing your ability to to do more of your normal daily activities 

Strength and endurance - by using water weights and the water's natural resistance during your aqua workouts will build muscle strength and muscle endurance. This means you will feel stronger and have more stamina for your day to day tasks. 

Core strength and balance - A full body aqua class will include balance poses and core strength work forcing the body to activate the core muscles to keep you stabilised and upright in the water. This will be a bonus for every day life and the prevention of falls. How to achieve a strong core and flat belly

Burning calories - All exercise burns calories and will help with weight loss and toning the body. The more you move the more calories you will burn. Depending on your fitness levels and the intensity of the class you can burn anywhere from 200 - 500 calories in an hour session.

Full body workout - An aqua workout involves the entire body. You will be working the heart with cardio exercise and movement, adding strength training with weights and water resistance, working the core with strength and balance poses and stretching and lengthening the muscles with a final cool down and relaxation at the end of a class.

Creates a sense of wellbeing - Aqua fitness is a stress reliever as you feel quite weightless in the water creating a safe place for your joints. The water massages you and cools you down, as you are moving a lot more than you normally would. Because there is no stress on the body, it gives you a huge sense of health and wellbeing.

A workout for all fitness levels - Aqua fitness is for everyone, not just those with injuries or bone and joint issues. Water workouts are enjoyable and can be as hard as you want to make them. The instructor will tutor the exercises for all the levels of fitness in the pool so it is up to you to determine the amount of effort you implement into your own aqua workout.

Enjoyable and sociable - Aqua aerobics is fun and friendly ....... and after all - this is what fitness and exercise is all about!


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