
Well-being and Happiness around the Globe - The Netherlands and Gezelligheid

 The Netherlands and Gezelligheid The focus on well-being has increased over the last few years due to events of 2020. Well-being includes our physical and mental health and socialising is a big part of mental wellness. Isolation proved to be the biggest issue when it came to loneliness and the loss of personal interaction with family and friends.  Research has shown that socialising and companionship have a positive effect on mental well-being. It makes us feel happier, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as reducing our stress levels. I love to research other countries happiness levels and the hobbies or ideas that bring cultural happiness to a nation. The Netherlands are the 5th happiest country in the world according to 'The World Happiness Report 2022' . So why is this? One of the reasons that makes the Dutch a happy nation is that they know how to 'chill'.  In the UK our stress levels are high. We multi-task endlessly and never truly relax. We fill

Is Circuit Training the Best Class for all-round Fitness?

  What is a Circuit Class? As a Class instructor and personal trainer I am often asked “What is the best class for fitness and weight loss?” My answer will always be circuits. The reason for this is a good circuit class will incorporate strength training, cardio fitness and core strength. The class “ punches a packet” when it comes to a full body workout and cardio health. The big bonus comes with the diversity and variety of this class. I do hear many of my clients say that strength training is boring or they hate cardio and core workouts. But by putting all these 3 elements into one circuit class it adds a bit more gusto to your workout and adds a little more interest. A circuit class makes for a quick and efficient workout with major results. How does a Circuit Class Work? A general circuit class will give you a full body workout, plus cardio, plus core strengthening exercises. Some circuit classes can be set to a specific discipline such as football or boxing to help improve perfor

Over the Hill and Over 50 - Is this really getting old?

Now that we’ve hit the over 50’s, let’s look back So, here I am….50 something and wondering what the hell happened?  Wasn’t it only yesterday that I was laughing at my mom walking into the lounge scratching her head saying “What did I come in here for?”........ Now look at me….. doing the same damn thing.  I remember thinking to myself as my mom entered the room a second time, still wondering what the heck she was doing …… “ This will never happen to me, I will never get old and I certainly won’t be anything like mom” rolling my eyes as she entered the room a third time, finally remembering what she had come in for!! Remember the time we thought that over 50 was old Another memory flashes by of me going into mom’s bedroom after she had just washed her hair. She had a towel wrapped around her head and was pulling and winding it tighter? What is she doing??? “Look” she said “Look at how this lifts my face! Is this how I would look after a face lift?” ……..My God, my mother is 50 and bonke

Living a simple and meaningful life 

Living a simple life is something I am really trying hard to implement into my own life, however life changes all the time and our priorities move from pillar to post in this ever changing world. Living a simple life leaves you with precious time to actually enjoy life itself and this is why we are here after all! What we forget as the minutes and days pass us by is ourselves. But putting ourselves first is a priority. After all, how can we help anyone else if we are a stressed out bundle of multiple personalities. I have a few of my closest friends feeling the need to slide into the background of this fast moving digital age. To live a simple life and create harmonious vibes doesn’t mean you have to completely withdraw. It just means cutting back on the things that potentially disturb your peace and substitute with the things that bring the simplicity back into your days. Of course, to live in the moment, meditate and take each day as it arrives would be the best way t

How to get Fit for Life and do it for Free.

  Fit for Life The fitness industry is ever evolving. With new ideas and techniques to help you keep fit and healthy . New ways to approach your needs or perhaps a complete body and mind is all pretty overwhelming, even for me and I have been within the fitness industry for many years.  The more information there is out there, the more confusing it all becomes. Not sure what to do? Let me help and guide you through a fitness routine that you can stick with for a lifetime. It is not complicated nor is it time consuming ....... but most of all health and fitness should be enjoyable and suitable for your own unique lifestyle. So firstly let's go back to the basics. The 5 things that you should always include in any fitness routine : Warm up - Always start any exercise routine with a warm up. Warming up the muscles you are about to use will prevent injury. Warming up prior to exercise also raises the body temperature and increases blood flow to your mus