
Healthy Tips on How to Achieve the Flat Stomach you Truly Crave

Achieving a Flat Stomach "What is the best exercise for a flat stomach ?" The most frequently asked question on Google search engine or to me as a Personal Trainer. There is no 'hard and fast rule' to this question with no guarantee of a '6 pack' (if this is your main goal).  Spot fat loss (targeting a certain area) is not possible. Don't let anyone convince you that it is by using either exercise or diet?  Unfortunately, our own body decides where it will store its fat. However there are healthy routes that you can take which will improve your waistline and give you a stronger and more stable core......this in turn, will flatten your stomach .  Storing excess fat around our middle (visceral fat) is in fact extremely unhealthy and can cause life threatening illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes and some cancers.  So, if you feel you want a toned tummy for summer, then you will be doing yourself a big favour in more ways than one. Not