
How to get Fit for Life and do it for Free.

  Fit for Life The fitness industry is ever evolving. With new ideas and techniques to help you keep fit and healthy . New ways to approach your needs or perhaps a complete body and mind is all pretty overwhelming, even for me and I have been within the fitness industry for many years.  The more information there is out there, the more confusing it all becomes. Not sure what to do? Let me help and guide you through a fitness routine that you can stick with for a lifetime. It is not complicated nor is it time consuming ....... but most of all health and fitness should be enjoyable and suitable for your own unique lifestyle. So firstly let's go back to the basics. The 5 things that you should always include in any fitness routine : Warm up - Always start any exercise routine with a warm up. Warming up the muscles you are about to use will prevent injury. Warming up prior to exercise also raises the body temperature and increases blood flow to your mus

Meditation for Self Care - 15 Healthy Benefits of Daily Meditation

What is Meditation? Meditation is the 'buzzword' in today's health and well-being  industry and a word we come across regularly in magazines and social media. But what does it actually mean? " Meditation  can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to  encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention .  Meditation  is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being" Meditation is Self Care  Meditation is something I have been practising 'on and off' over the last couple of years, possibly more so over these last 16 months.  I came across this practice whilst studying for my fitness qualifications in the 'resources' section related to goal setting and positive mindset. As a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, I need an understanding of the human mind to help clients achieve their goals and find their motivation 'triggers' .   Goal

The Path to a Healthy Mind and Happiness - Where do I Begin?

  Happiness " Happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile. Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy or contentment" What makes us happy ? How can we live a life of happiness ? Is it possible to be happy every day for the rest of our lives? Happiness is a mental and emotional state and like everything else we want to achieve we need to introduce consistency and perseverance. Don't get me wrong here?.......We can be happy with daily events or life occurrences. But to be truly happy and healthy it will take some effort. Whilst I am writing this, there is a big event about to happen today. The outcome of this 'big event'  could make a lot of people extremely happy or extremely saddened. In fact, I am a bit oblivious to all of this myself, but many of my family, friends and colleagues will be drinking a beer or two and no doubt wallow in pure, unadulterated euphoria if all goes well or perhaps feel the op

Inspiration and Motivation. Use Social Media and Technology to Boost your Positive Mindset

  Finding Inspiration and Motivation Trying to motivate yourself after such a long time away from the gym or your usual exercise classes can be so difficult to almost impossible. I know that so many of us are feeling this way. The world had stopped!! Restrictions and obstructions were everywhere we turned. It all seemed like such a fight and here we are 15 months later, a bit on the tired side, de-motivated and possibly a few pounds heavier. So what can we do to motivate ourselves? Do we need inspiration and positivity to help push us in the right direction, even if we feel a bit on the negative side? Here are some ideas to help kick start your motivation: Motivational tools are very individual. What suits one person may not suit another. There are many components that need to join together to trigger inspiration and move us forward. We may just have one component missing or we may need to find a group of inspirational and motivational tools to help us on our way. Visuals and Mo

Which Diet do I follow? Here's some options to help you select the right one for you

Which Diet is the Best? One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "What is the best diet to follow?" It's a difficult one and not one I can answer. Not because I am being unhelpful or I don't know anything about diets or nutrition, but there is no 'one shoe fits all' in the diet game. There are literally 100's of diets out there - not all are good, but then not all are bad either? The question is not "What is the best diet?" The question should be "What is the best diet for me?" Before you choose any diet you must first make sure it is sustainable and fits in with your own lifestyle, your budget and the time you have available.  There are some amazing and super healthy diets you can follow. You can cook all your food from scratch with tasty and unique ingredients, pure cold pressed oils, delicacies, spices, herbs and all arranged intricately and stylishly on beautiful dining plates. This sounds like the real deal......but w

A natural approach to achieving Optimal Health through well-being and nutrition

  Optimal Health and Well-Being What is Optimal Health ? This term means an holistic approach to obtaining the best possible version of yourself. Optimal Health promotes healthier behaviours and not merely the absence of illness and disease.  The message here is prevention and risk avoidance. We need to learn about ourselves and about self care. We should understand what is good for our well-being  both physically and mentally, from the exercise we do to the food we put into our bodies to the calmness of our minds. We aim to be in good physical health so that our bodily functions are working at their peak. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition , adequate rest and a calm mind all contribute to good health We have miraculous body's that work harmoniously within all it's activities from digestion to hormone release. We allow our body to keep us healthy without actually acknowledging all that it does. We don't sit and ponder on the mechanics or biochemistry of our being but we